Course Offerings

Grand Challenge Learning offers courses at the 100- and 200-level under the GCL rubric (for example, GCL 125 and GCL 210). Courses at the 100-level are restricted to first-year freshmen and first-year transfer students. All GCL courses meet one or more general education requirements. Many other general education courses on campus are affiliated with GCL as campus courses. All campus courses are listed under the rubric of their home department (for example, CMN 220 or GEOG 210). Finally, GCL offers a culminating integrative experience for students interested in completing a pathway. To learn more about each type of course offered by GCL, click on the links above.
Below you will see and download this year’s 100- and 200-level GCL course offerings. To download the schedule of campus courses, click here. You can also find all of the courses listed in Course Explorer.